Jacketed Standard Electrochemical Triple Holder Cell
Liquid Junction Adapter, 6 mm dia.
Membrane Capacitive Deionization configurable cell - MCDI configurable cell
Metal-ion 4-point EIS, model A – Metal-ion 4-point Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Cell, model A
MM Double-tank cell 2 x 15 mL - Magnetic Mount Double-tank Etch Cell
MM EC H-Cell 2x15 mL- Magnetic Mount Electrochemical H-Cell
MM PEC H-Cell 2x15 mL- Magnetic Mount Photo-Electrochemical H-Cell
NREL High-Pressure LTE Cell - NREL High-Pressure Low-Temperature Electrolysis Cell
Operando XRD EC H-Cell, min 2θ of 5°
PEC H-Cell 2x15 mL- Photo-Electrochemical H-Cell
PECF H-Cell 2x1.5 mL - Photo-Electrochemical Flow H-Cell
Photo-Bio-EC Reactor - Photo-bioelectrochemical reactor 2 x 50 mL
PTFE PECF H-Cell 2x1.5 mL - PTFE Photo-Electrochemical Flow H-Cell
Raman ECF H-Cell 3.5 cm2, 4.5+2 mL – Raman Electrochemical Flow H-Cell, active area: 3.5 cm2, volume: 4.5+2 mL
SPECTRO-ECSynth FH-CELL 1.5 and 3 mL - Spectro-Electrosynthesis Flow H-Cell 1.5 and 3 mL
Standard Electrochemical Dual Holder Cell
Standard Electrochemical Triple Holder Cell